Sunday, January 16, 2011

Keep Your Resolutions!

"It's just so unhealthy!" remains a common misconception about French fare. All that butter! All that wine! Dispelling that myth is easily done by just looking at the French as a whole. In general, they are far less overweight and heart healthy than our very own American counterparts.

Isn't that great news? You can still keep your New Year resolutions to eat healthy AND enjoy French cuisine! Here are several tips to guide you in this regard. 

1. Eat (and drink!) like the French. In France, meals are meant to be savored. This means that food is enjoyed much more slowly, and they stop when they're satisfied. In this right, they consume (on average) less food in a sitting. Additionally, alcohol is enjoyed primarily with meals and generally in moderation. The French also are not prone to between meal snacking. 

2. When you are going out to your favorite French restaurant, stick to menu items that are protein or broth based, not laden with cream, not fried, and definitely sans bread! Also, (but you probably already know this) no pasta.

- French Onion Soup: Can be ordered without the bread and even without the cheese if you're trying to cut out carbs and/or fat.
- Green Salads with Vinaigrette Dressing on the Side (Most of our salads are great healthful alternatives, simply ask for the dressing on the side and omit any item(s) you are working to avoid). 
- Any roasted or braised meats are generally acceptable, provided one avoids any cream-based sauce, and chooses a baked potato substitution or extra veggies with no butter. 
- Seafood is another great choice. High in protein and rich in health benefits, grilled, steamed, broiled and sauteed fish are all good ways to stay on track when dining out.
- Bouillabaisse, a seafood broth stew, is filling and quite healthy when enjoyed without the usual accompanying bread/croutons. 

At Chez Daniel, you'll find plenty of options to satisfy your cravings for great French food without compromising your diet or feeling guilty. And as for dessert? Just make sure you bring friends to help you, so you don't overeat!

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