Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day Old Bread? Mais Oui!

We know what you're thinking. "What on earth can I do with this day old baguette?" Whether you overbought or underate, we've compiled five surefire ways that you can keep on enjoying that loaf.

  1. French Toast - I know, we're a little biased, but French Toast made with baguette is quite fantastic. Whip some eggs, add dairy and any flavorings (vanilla, almond, cinnamon) of your choosing, bake, and voila! Deliciousness.
  2. Bread Pudding - Need we say more? A day-old baguette should incorporate perfectly into your favorite bread pudding recipe. (Looking for a recipe to try? This Bread and Butter Pudding sounds pretty good to us)!
  3. Homemade Croutons - Cut bread into large cubes, toss lightly with olive oil, and sprinkle with the seasonings of your choice. Bake in a 350-375-degree oven for about 10-15 minutes.
  4. Bread Crumbs - Can be made fresh or dry. For fresh, simply pulse large chunks of bread in your food processor. Dry? Toast the bread in a 375-degree oven until dried out prior to processing.
  5. Crostini - Cut bread into thin slices and place on a lightly oiled sheet pan. Drizzle with lightly with olive oil and bake in a 350-375-degree oven for about 10-15 minutes (until crisp and golden). 
Remember, edible bread is happy bread. Bon Appetit! 

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